Before the road side maintenance team of our plant was established, tasks of road repairs and lamppost maintenance were outsourced by local town offices which also covered electricity bills. However, due to the range of tasks, private companies did not wish to undertake them since they do not generate enough profit for them, resulting in poor public satisfaction. In order to conduct tasks of road and lamppost repairs, our road/ lamppost maintenance team formulated the “Key Points in the County Road and Lamppost Maintenance” which was approved and by the county government as document FuGongZih no. 8951473 on Jan. 13, 2001. Due to organizational factors, all 26 personnel in our team are part-time workers. Besides having received professional training, all of them also carry out duties actively and faithfully. Thanks to clear delegation, our team has excellent efficiency and constantly improve ourselves, winning us much acknowledgement from the public for the past 3 years and making us an example of excellent government service. By June 30, 2002, our team has repaired 170,249 square meters of roads in Kinmen and Little Kinmen, used 10,451,315 kg of regular temperature AC, managed 10572 lampposts in different villages, and repaired 10,242 of them.